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Variable speed drive, Altivar Machine ATV320, 11 kW, 200...240 V, 3 phases, compact
Nuova Elva code ATV320D11M3C
- Spec Sheet
- Service Guide for AC Drives and Soft Starters Data Bulletin - 8800DB0101 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_CANopen_Manual_EN_NVE41309_02 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_EtherCAT_Manual_EN_NVE41315_02 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_Getting_Started_Annex_NVE21777_08 (pdf)
- 3) ATV320 Programming Manual - ATV320_Programming_Manual_EN_NVE41295_04 (pdf)
- BMP Synchronous Motor, manual - BMP_Synchronous_Motor_manual_0198441113981-EN_V1.3 (pdf)
- 2) ATV320 Installation manual - ATV320_Installation_manual_EN_NVE41289_06 (pdf)
- Altivar 312 Variable Frequency Drives Brochure - 8800BR0904 (pdf)
- Square D Model 6 Intelligent Motor Control Centers Brochure - 8998BR0001 (pdf)
- Altivar AC Drives Family Brochure - 998-19614608_US_B_WEB (pdf)
- Altivar 320 Machine Drives for Material Handling Brochure - 998-19620841_GMA-US_B (pdf)
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.4 - ATV320_CANOpen_EDS_V3.4.zip
- EtherCAT ESI file : VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V112.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V109_.zip
- DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609 - DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609_V1.8_.zip
- Ethernet EDS file: VW3A3616 V1.19 - Ethernet_EDS_VW3A3616_V1.19.zip
- ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.1 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.1.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.2 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.2.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V111.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V2.9 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V2.9_IE40.zip
- EtherCAT ESI VW3A3601 V1.14 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V114.zip
- ATV320 UL CERTIFICATE - E116875-20160229-CertificateofCompliance (pdf)
- ATV32 320 CSA CERTIFICATE - COFC_80156811_EN (pdf)
- ATV320C_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV320C_-_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- Altivar Machine ATV320 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2017) - DIA2ED2160311ENUS (pdf)
- Discover the catalog for Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drive - Catalog Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drives (pdf)
- Altivar 312 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2011) - DIA2ED2090404EN-US (pdf)
- Digest Catalog 26: AC Drives and Soft Starters (OCT 2021) - 0100CT1901_SEC-26_OCT2021 (pdf)
- 1) Getting Started with ATV320 - ATV320_Getting_Started_EN_NVE21763_04 (pdf)
- Instruction Sheet: ATV320 UL Type1 kit - ATV320_IS_UL_Type1_Kit_NVE60199_03 (pdf)
- PROFINET GSDML file: VW3A3627 (V1.9 IE019) - PROFINET_GSDML_VW3A3627_V1.9IE19.zip
- PROFIBUS DP GSD file: VW3A3607 V1.16 - PROFIBUS_DP_GSD_VW3A3607_V1.16_20220401.zip
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_3D-simplified (stp)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919 (pdf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4.exe
- ATV320 - communication parameters addresses - ATV320_CommunicationParameters_NVE41316_V3.5.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReadMe (pdf)
- Altivar Regenerative Unit : Sizing Tool (ATVRU75N4, ATVRD15N4) - ATV_Regenerative_Unit_Sizing_Tool_NVE94856_06.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_V1.7.2.exe
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320 RCM CERTIFICATE - ACMA_RCM_ATV320- November 2016 - JG (pdf)
- ATV320C EU DECLARATION - IA_ATV320C_-_EU_Declaration_2021-07.docx (pdf)
- Altivar Application Note for Hoisting (ATV900, ATV340, ATV320) - Altivar_Application_Note_for_Hoisting_EN_NHA80973_01 (pdf)
- ATV320 15kW 200V 3ph - Compact control variable speed drive, Product End-of-Life Instructions - ENVEOLI1604023EN_V1 (pdf)
- ATV320 15kW 3ph - Compact control variable speed drive, Product Environmental Profile - ENVPEP1604023EN_V1 (pdf)
- TEL ATV320D11M3C datasheet en
- TEL ATV320D11M3C datasheet it
Availability: Send request for quotation
Variable speed drive, Altivar Machine ATV320, 11 kW, 380...500 V, 3 phases, book
Nuova Elva code ATV320D11N4B
- Spec Sheet
- Service Guide for AC Drives and Soft Starters Data Bulletin - 8800DB0101 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - Multi-Loader_simplified_manual_EN_BBV48787_02 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_EtherCAT_Manual_EN_NVE41315_02 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_Getting_Started_Annex_NVE21777_08 (pdf)
- 2) ATV320 Installation manual - ATV320_Installation_manual_EN_NVE41289_06 (pdf)
- 3) ATV320 Programming Manual - ATV320_Programming_Manual_EN_NVE41295_04 (pdf)
- BMP Synchronous Motor, manual - BMP_Synchronous_Motor_manual_0198441113981-EN_V1.3 (pdf)
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.1 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.1.zip
- ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V109_.zip
- EtherCAT ESI file : VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V112.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.4 - ATV320_CANOpen_EDS_V3.4.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V2.9 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V2.9_IE40.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.2 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.2.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V111.zip
- DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609 - DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609_V1.8_.zip
- EtherCAT ESI VW3A3601 V1.14 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V114.zip
- Ethernet EDS file: VW3A3616 V1.19 - Ethernet_EDS_VW3A3616_V1.19.zip
- Altivar 320 Machine Drives for Material Handling Brochure - 998-19620841_GMA-US_B (pdf)
- Square D Model 6 Intelligent Motor Control Centers Brochure - 8998BR0001 (pdf)
- Altivar AC Drives Family Brochure - 998-19614608_US_B_WEB (pdf)
- ATV32-320_EC_TYPE_EXAMINATION - N°0080.5454.520.07.10.0046 Ext 005.05.19 (pdf)
- ATV32 UL CERTIFICATE - E116875-20100305-CertificateofCompliance (pdf)
- ATV32 320 CSA CERTIFICATE - COFC_80156811_EN (pdf)
- ATV32 320B EU DECLARATION - IA_ATV32-320B_EU_Declaration_2021-07.docx (pdf)
- ATV32-320-ATEX-CERTIFICATE - AE UE INERIS 16ATEX0042X - 01 (pdf)
- ATV320 UL CERTIFICATE - E116875-20160229-CertificateofCompliance (pdf)
- Discover the catalog for Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drive - Catalog Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drives (pdf)
- Digest Catalog 26: AC Drives and Soft Starters (OCT 2021) - 0100CT1901_SEC-26_OCT2021 (pdf)
- Altivar 312 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2011) - DIA2ED2090404EN-US (pdf)
- Altivar Machine ATV320 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2017) - DIA2ED2160311ENUS (pdf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-bottom (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-left (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-bottom (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-front (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-top (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-isometric (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-isometric (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-front (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-top (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-back (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-left (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-right (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_3D-simplified (stp)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-back (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-right (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920 (pdf)
- Instruction Sheet: ATV320 UL Type1 kit - ATV320_IS_UL_Type1_Kit_NVE60199_03 (pdf)
- 1) Getting Started with ATV320 - ATV320_Getting_Started_EN_NVE21763_04 (pdf)
- PROFINET GSDML file: VW3A3627 (V1.9 IE019) - PROFINET_GSDML_VW3A3627_V1.9IE19.zip
- PROFIBUS DP GSD file: VW3A3607 V1.16 - PROFIBUS_DP_GSD_VW3A3607_V1.16_20220401.zip
- ATV320 - communication parameters addresses - ATV320_CommunicationParameters_NVE41316_V3.5.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReadMe (pdf)
- Altivar Regenerative Unit : Sizing Tool (ATVRU75N4, ATVRD15N4) - ATV_Regenerative_Unit_Sizing_Tool_NVE94856_06.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4.exe
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_V1.7.2.exe
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320 RCM CERTIFICATE - ACMA_RCM_ATV320- November 2016 - JG (pdf)
- ATV32-320B_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV32-320B_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- Altivar Application Note for Hoisting (ATV900, ATV340, ATV320) - Altivar_Application_Note_for_Hoisting_EN_NHA80973_01 (pdf)
- ALTIVAR MACHINE ATV320 – BOOK CONTROL BLOCK 11 to 15 kW / 380…500V / 3PH, Product End of Life Instructions - ENVEOLI1709006EN_V1 (pdf)
- ALTIVAR MACHINE ATV320 – BOOK CONTROL BLOCK 11 to 15 kW / 380…500V / 3PH, Product Environmental Profile - ENVPEP1709006EN_V1 (pdf)
Availability: Send request for quotation
Variable speed drive, Altivar Machine ATV320, 11 kW, 380...500 V, 3 phases, compact
Nuova Elva code ATV320D11N4C
- Spec Sheet
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV312_to_ATV32_CANopen_migration_note_ EAV11212_01 (pdf)
- 3) ATV320 Programming Manual - ATV320_Programming_Manual_EN_NVE41295_04 (pdf)
- 2) ATV320 Installation manual - ATV320_Installation_manual_EN_NVE41289_06 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_EtherCAT_Manual_EN_NVE41315_02 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_Getting_Started_Annex_NVE21777_08 (pdf)
- Ethernet EDS file: VW3A3616 V1.19 - Ethernet_EDS_VW3A3616_V1.19.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.2 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.2.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.1 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.1.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V2.9 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V2.9_IE40.zip
- EtherCAT ESI VW3A3601 V1.14 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V114.zip
- ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.4 - ATV320_CANOpen_EDS_V3.4.zip
- ATV320C_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV320C_-_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- 1) Getting Started with ATV320 - ATV320_Getting_Started_EN_NVE21763_04 (pdf)
- Instruction Sheet: ATV320 UL Type1 kit - ATV320_IS_UL_Type1_Kit_NVE60199_03 (pdf)
- PROFINET GSDML file: VW3A3627 (V1.9 IE019) - PROFINET_GSDML_VW3A3627_V1.9IE19.zip
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919 (pdf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_3D-simplified (stp)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dxf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 - communication parameters addresses - ATV320_CommunicationParameters_NVE41316_V3.5.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4.exe
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320_S5_EU_CERTIFICATE - ATV320 Compact S5 (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_V1.7.2.exe
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- Discover the catalog for Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drive - Catalog Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drives (pdf)
- Altivar Application Note for Hoisting (ATV900, ATV340, ATV320) - Altivar_Application_Note_for_Hoisting_EN_NHA80973_01 (pdf)
Availability: Send request for quotation
Variable speed drive, Altivar Machine ATV320, 11 kW, 525...600 V, 3 phases, compact
Nuova Elva code ATV320D11S6C
- Spec Sheet
- Service Guide for AC Drives and Soft Starters Data Bulletin - 8800DB0101 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - Multi-Loader_simplified_manual_EN_BBV48787_02 (pdf)
- BMP Synchronous Motor, manual - BMP_Synchronous_Motor_manual_0198441113981-EN_V1.3 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_EtherCAT_Manual_EN_NVE41315_02 (pdf)
- 3) ATV320 Programming Manual - ATV320_Programming_Manual_EN_NVE41295_04 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_Getting_Started_Annex_NVE21777_08 (pdf)
- 2) ATV320 Installation manual - ATV320_Installation_manual_EN_NVE41289_06 (pdf)
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.4 - ATV320_CANOpen_EDS_V3.4.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V109_.zip
- EtherCAT ESI file : VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V112.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.1 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.1.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.2 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.2.zip
- EtherCAT ESI VW3A3601 V1.14 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V114.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V111.zip
- DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609 - DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609_V1.8_.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V2.9 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V2.9_IE40.zip
- ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5.zip
- Ethernet EDS file: VW3A3616 V1.19 - Ethernet_EDS_VW3A3616_V1.19.zip
- Altivar AC Drives Family Brochure - 998-19614608_US_B_WEB (pdf)
- Altivar 320 Machine Drives for Material Handling Brochure - 998-19620841_GMA-US_B (pdf)
- Square D Model 6 Intelligent Motor Control Centers Brochure - 8998BR0001 (pdf)
- Discover the catalog for Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drive - Catalog Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drives (pdf)
- Altivar 312 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2011) - DIA2ED2090404EN-US (pdf)
- Digest Catalog 26: AC Drives and Soft Starters (OCT 2021) - 0100CT1901_SEC-26_OCT2021 (pdf)
- Altivar Machine ATV320 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2017) - DIA2ED2160311ENUS (pdf)
- ATV32-320-ATEX-CERTIFICATE - AE UE INERIS 16ATEX0042X - 01 (pdf)
- ATV32-320_EC_TYPE_EXAMINATION - N°0080.5454.520.07.10.0046 Ext 005.05.19 (pdf)
- ATV320C_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV320C_-_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- 1) Getting Started with ATV320 - ATV320_Getting_Started_EN_NVE21763_04 (pdf)
- Instruction Sheet: ATV320 UL Type1 kit - ATV320_IS_UL_Type1_Kit_NVE60199_03 (pdf)
- PROFIBUS DP GSD file: VW3A3607 V1.16 - PROFIBUS_DP_GSD_VW3A3607_V1.16_20220401.zip
- PROFINET GSDML file: VW3A3627 (V1.9 IE019) - PROFINET_GSDML_VW3A3627_V1.9IE19.zip
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919 (pdf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_3D-simplified (stp)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dxf)
- ATV320 - communication parameters addresses - ATV320_CommunicationParameters_NVE41316_V3.5.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReadMe (pdf)
- Altivar Regenerative Unit : Sizing Tool (ATVRU75N4, ATVRD15N4) - ATV_Regenerative_Unit_Sizing_Tool_NVE94856_06.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4.exe
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_V1.7.2.exe
- ATV320 RCM CERTIFICATE - ACMA_RCM_ATV320- November 2016 - JG (pdf)
- ATV320C EU DECLARATION - IA_ATV320C_-_EU_Declaration_2021-07.docx (pdf)
- ATV32-320B_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV32-320B_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- Altivar Application Note for Hoisting (ATV900, ATV340, ATV320) - Altivar_Application_Note_for_Hoisting_EN_NHA80973_01 (pdf)
- ATV320 15kW 200V 3ph - Compact control variable speed drive, Product End-of-Life Instructions - ENVEOLI1604023EN_V1 (pdf)
- ATV320 15kW 3ph - Compact control variable speed drive, Product Environmental Profile - ENVPEP1604023EN_V1 (pdf)
Availability: Send request for quotation
Variable speed drive, Altivar Machine ATV320, 15 kW, 380...500 V, 3 phases, book
Nuova Elva code ATV320D15N4B
- Spec Sheet
- Service Guide for AC Drives and Soft Starters Data Bulletin - 8800DB0101 (pdf)
- 3) ATV320 Programming Manual - ATV320_Programming_Manual_EN_NVE41295_04 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV_Regenerative_Unit_Manual_EN_NVE88423_01 (pdf)
- 2) ATV320 Installation manual - ATV320_Installation_manual_EN_NVE41289_06 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_Getting_Started_Annex_NVE21777_08 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_EtherCAT_Manual_EN_NVE41315_02 (pdf)
- BMP Synchronous Motor, manual - BMP_Synchronous_Motor_manual_0198441113981-EN_V1.3 (pdf)
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.1 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.1.zip
- Ethernet EDS file: VW3A3616 V1.19 - Ethernet_EDS_VW3A3616_V1.19.zip
- EtherCAT ESI file : VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V112.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V111.zip
- DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609 - DeviceNet_EDS_VW3A3609_V1.8_.zip
- EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V109_.zip
- EtherCAT ESI VW3A3601 V1.14 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V114.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.2 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.2.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.4 - ATV320_CANOpen_EDS_V3.4.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V2.9 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V2.9_IE40.zip
- ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5.zip
- Square D Model 6 Intelligent Motor Control Centers Brochure - 8998BR0001 (pdf)
- Altivar AC Drives Family Brochure - 998-19614608_US_B_WEB (pdf)
- Altivar 320 Machine Drives for Material Handling Brochure - 998-19620841_GMA-US_B (pdf)
- ATV32 320 CSA CERTIFICATE - COFC_80156811_EN (pdf)
- ATV32-320-ATEX-CERTIFICATE - AE UE INERIS 16ATEX0042X - 01 (pdf)
- ATV320 UL CERTIFICATE - E116875-20160229-CertificateofCompliance (pdf)
- ATV32 UL CERTIFICATE - E116875-20100305-CertificateofCompliance (pdf)
- ATV32-320_EC_TYPE_EXAMINATION - N°0080.5454.520.07.10.0046 Ext 005.05.19 (pdf)
- ATV32 320B EU DECLARATION - IA_ATV32-320B_EU_Declaration_2021-07.docx (pdf)
- Altivar Machine ATV320 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2017) - DIA2ED2160311ENUS (pdf)
- Altivar 312 Variable Speed Drives Catalog (US 2011) - DIA2ED2090404EN-US (pdf)
- Digest Catalog 26: AC Drives and Soft Starters (OCT 2021) - 0100CT1901_SEC-26_OCT2021 (pdf)
- Discover the catalog for Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drive - Catalog Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drives (pdf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-top (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-left (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-bottom (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-front (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-right (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-isometric (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_3D-simplified (stp)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-top (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920 (pdf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-back (dwg)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-isometric (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-bottom (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-right (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-left (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-back (dxf)
- ATV320 400V 3ph book control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000920_2D-front (dxf)
- 1) Getting Started with ATV320 - ATV320_Getting_Started_EN_NVE21763_04 (pdf)
- Instruction Sheet: ATV320 UL Type1 kit - ATV320_IS_UL_Type1_Kit_NVE60199_03 (pdf)
- PROFIBUS DP GSD file: VW3A3607 V1.16 - PROFIBUS_DP_GSD_VW3A3607_V1.16_20220401.zip
- PROFINET GSDML file: VW3A3627 (V1.9 IE019) - PROFINET_GSDML_VW3A3627_V1.9IE19.zip
- ATV320 - communication parameters addresses - ATV320_CommunicationParameters_NVE41316_V3.5.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReadMe (pdf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4.exe
- Altivar Regenerative Unit : Sizing Tool (ATVRU75N4, ATVRD15N4) - ATV_Regenerative_Unit_Sizing_Tool_NVE94856_06.xlsx
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_V1.7.2.exe
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV32-320B_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV32-320B_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- ATV320 RCM CERTIFICATE - ACMA_RCM_ATV320- November 2016 - JG (pdf)
- Altivar Application Note for Hoisting (ATV900, ATV340, ATV320) - Altivar_Application_Note_for_Hoisting_EN_NHA80973_01 (pdf)
- ALTIVAR MACHINE ATV320 – BOOK CONTROL BLOCK 11 to 15 kW / 380…500V / 3PH, Product End of Life Instructions - ENVEOLI1709006EN_V1 (pdf)
- ALTIVAR MACHINE ATV320 – BOOK CONTROL BLOCK 11 to 15 kW / 380…500V / 3PH, Product Environmental Profile - ENVPEP1709006EN_V1 (pdf)
Standard lead time: 10 days
Variable speed drive, Altivar Machine ATV320, 15 kW, 380...500 V, 3 phases, compact
Nuova Elva code ATV320D15N4C
- Spec Sheet
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_DeviceNet_Manual_NVE41314_01 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_Getting_Started_Annex_NVE21777_08 (pdf)
- 3) ATV320 Programming Manual - ATV320_Programming_Manual_EN_NVE41295_04 (pdf)
- 4) ATV320 additional manuals (English) - ATV320_EtherCAT_Manual_EN_NVE41315_02 (pdf)
- 2) ATV320 Installation manual - ATV320_Installation_manual_EN_NVE41289_06 (pdf)
- ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.5.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.2 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.2.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V2.9 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V2.9_IE40.zip
- EtherCAT ESI VW3A3601 V1.14 - EtherCAT_ESI_VW3A3601_V114.zip
- Ethernet EDS file: VW3A3616 V1.19 - Ethernet_EDS_VW3A3616_V1.19.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.4 - ATV320_CANOpen_EDS_V3.4.zip
- ATV320 CANopen EDS V3.1 - ATV320_CANopen_EDS_V3.1.zip
- ATV320C_UK_DECLARATION - UK_ATV320C_-_UK_Declaration_2021-07 V2 (pdf)
- 1) Getting Started with ATV320 - ATV320_Getting_Started_EN_NVE21763_04 (pdf)
- Instruction Sheet: ATV320 UL Type1 kit - ATV320_IS_UL_Type1_Kit_NVE60199_03 (pdf)
- PROFINET GSDML file: VW3A3627 (V1.9 IE019) - PROFINET_GSDML_VW3A3627_V1.9IE19.zip
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_3D-simplified (stp)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-top (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919 (pdf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-isometric (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-front (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-left (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-back (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-right (dxf)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dwg)
- ATV320 200V/600V 3ph compact control variable speed drive - 11kW to 15kW - 3D CAD - MCADID0000919_2D-bottom (dxf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReadMe (pdf)
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- ATV320 - communication parameters addresses - ATV320_CommunicationParameters_NVE41316_V3.5.xlsx
- SoMove (FDT Standalone) - SoMove_V2.9.4.exe
- ATV320_S5_EU_CERTIFICATE - ATV320 Compact S5 (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReadMe (pdf)
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_V1.7.2.exe
- ATV320 DTM Library - Schneider_Electric_Altivar_Machine_ATV320_DTM_Library_v1.7.2_ReleaseNotes (pdf)
- Discover the catalog for Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drive - Catalog Altivar Machine ATV320 variable speed drives (pdf)
- Altivar Application Note for Hoisting (ATV900, ATV340, ATV320) - Altivar_Application_Note_for_Hoisting_EN_NHA80973_01 (pdf)
Standard lead time: 10 days

ATV320 compatto 18KW 500V Trifase
Nuova Elva code ATV320D18N4C
Availability: Send request for quotation

ATV320 compatto 22KW 500V Trifase
Nuova Elva code ATV320D22N4C
Availability: Send request for quotation

kit ATV320 0,37kW monofase+cavo program.
Nuova Elva code ATV320SPS10
Availability: Send request for quotation