SINAMICS G120C, 4.0KW, 3AC, 480V, FSA, FIL


63676142937d0a3ed7d364da1e8e57cd6ef2faab medium
Prezzo (IVA esclusa)
€ 1359.00
Codice Nuova Elva
Codice produttore
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SINAMICS g120c rated power 4,0KW with 150% overload for 3 sec 3AC380-480v +10/-20% 47-63HZ integrated filter class a i/o-interface 6di, 2do,1ai,1ao safe torque off integrated fieldbus PROFINET-pn protection IP20/ ul open type size fsa 196x73x203(hxwxd) external 24v


Country of OriginUnited Kingdom
Number of Inputs6
Number of Phases3


Country of OriginGB
Number of HW-interfaces USB1
Type of converterU converter
Degree of protection (IP)IP20
Number of HW-interfaces other6
Number of interfaces PROFINET2
Number of HW-interfaces RS-2321
Number of HW-interfaces RS-4220
Number of HW-interfaces RS-4850
Supporting protocol for ASIfalse
Supporting protocol for CANfalse
With PC connectiontrue
Supporting protocol for KNXfalse
Supporting protocol for LONfalse
Number of HW-interfaces parallel0
4-quadrant operation possiblefalse
Integrated breaking resistancetrue
Number of HW-interfaces serial TTY1
Supporting protocol for BACnetfalse
Supporting protocol for MODBUSfalse
Supporting protocol for SERCOSfalse
Supporting protocol for TCP/IPfalse
Number of phases input3
Supporting protocol for SUCONETfalse
Supporting protocol for INTERBUSfalse
Supporting protocol for PROFIBUSfalse
Supporting protocol for PROFIsafetrue
Supporting protocol for DeviceNetfalse
Supporting protocol for EtherNet/IPtrue
Supporting protocol for PROFINET IOtrue
Supporting protocol for SafetyBUS pfalse
Supporting protocol for Data-Highwayfalse
Supporting protocol for PROFINET CBAfalse
Number of phases output3
Application in industrial area permittedtrue
Number of HW-interfaces industrial Ethernet2
Supporting protocol for INTERBUS-Safetyfalse
Supporting protocol for DeviceNet Safetyfalse
Supporting protocol for other bus systemstrue
Supporting protocol for Foundation Fieldbusfalse
Supporting protocol for AS-Interface Safety at Workfalse
Application in domestic- and commercial area permittedtrue
Number of digital inputs6
Number of analogue inputs1
Number of digital outputs2
Number of analogue outputs1
With optical interfacefalse


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